Saturday, February 28, 2009

Physical changes

Weight is gained during pregnancy due to increased appetite, fat deposition, and growth of the reproductive organs and fetus, as well as increased blood volume and water retention. Anywhere from 5 pounds (2.3 kg) to over 100 pounds (45 kg) can be gained during pregnancy. In America, the doctor-recommended weight gain range is 25 pounds (11 kg) to 35 pounds (16 kg), less if the woman is overweight, more (up to 40 pounds (18 kg)) if the woman is underweight.

Other physical changes during pregnancy include breasts increasing two cup sizes. Also areas of the body such as the forehead and cheeks (known as the 'mask of pregnancy') become darker due to the increase of melanin being produced.[24]

The female body experiences many changes as the fetus grows through each trimester as shown and discussed in this pregnancy video. Two women at different stages in their pregnancy illustrate what has happened to their bodies.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

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